Affordable Cancer Care, South Of The Border

Affordable Cancer Care

Affordable Cancer Care

The price of ignorance is extremely high. Everyday, uninsured and underinsured citizens in the US face the destabilizing economic burden of having to pay for very expensive necessary medical treatments and procedures, which end up eating into their savings or plunging them into debt. However, people must start finding other options, ones which do not try to solve the problem by blaming it on the government, on free markets, or on their employer for not covering their health as part of benefits. It is time for Americans to realize that to get affordable healthcare, they must no longer search locally. It is a global world.

Human nature makes some people avoid to the high costs of treatment and not bring financial ruin to their families, therefore pushing them to unnecessary and absurd deaths. It is like if having suddenly acquired a feared illness, many must decide between trying to save themselves at a high cost or letting go of life in generosity. This must end. One of the answers lies much closer than you think.

Medical Travel is no longer for those seeking to combine a few days in the sun with an injection of Botox or two. It is creating a huge industry filling this unmet need for affordable healthcare with  interesting options and without sacrificing quality. As one of the main Medical Travel destinations, Monterrey, Mexico counts with internationally accredited hospitals and top-notch doctors that are increasingly treating foreign patients from everything ranging from plastic surgery to cancer. Gabriel Senior, founder of Travel For Care, a leading medical travel facilitator, states that “There is a substantive lack of knowledge by Americans about the high quality, low cost alternatives in healthcare that they can obtain nearby. Monterrey is a practical solution, that offers an all-encompassing approach to healthcare needs with very affordable prices, and the same high quality service, treatments, and procedures that one would expect at a top hospital in the U.S.”

As Cancer makes up the second cause of death in the United States, claiming more than 560 thousand lives per year, many more uninsured or underinsured people are turning to places like Monterrey to seek affordable cancer treatments. From inexpensive cancer tissue removal surgeries, to chemotherapy cycles, and from the long radiotherapy treatments to the short and very targeted radiosurgery ones, prices for top-notch care in the best hospitals in Monterrey are about a fourth of those in comparable US hospitals. As Dr. Cuauhtemoc De La Peña, one of the top Radiosurgeons AT Hospital San Jose TEC de Monterrey, who has experience working in both Mexico and France says “Although we are attracting US patients for radiotherapy treatments with the most advanced linear accelerators in the market at prices easily under $17,000 for 30 sessions, our most interesting product is Radiosurgery, where a single, very well planned session can neutralize a brain tumor, and it also goes for around that price”.

It is very important to point out that accessing these kinds of prices absolutely does not mean sacrificing quality. Price differentials between countries and currency parities create the opportunity for Americans to enjoy for a very low price, what only the wealthiest and best insured of Mexicans can access. Hospital San José TEC is one of these examples. It boasts an international accreditation from the Joint Commission International, a body of experienced specialists in all areas, and is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for all disciplines. With this industry set to boom in the next few years, a place which not many Americans know about today is on track to provide one of the solutions sought by countless numbers of people who are debating this difficult health cost issue.

Hospital San José TEC de Monterrey is one of Mexico’s best regarded healthcare institutions, accredited by the Joint Commission International, and part of the Monterrey TEC, Mexico’s largest private educational system. For more information, please visit

Travel For Care is an innovative Medical Travel firm headquartered in Monterrey, Mexico, marketing Medical Solutions to American patients looking for elective and non-elective procedures. For more information, please visit


Heather Wicklow


Travel For Care

Toll Free: (800)571-0640

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